My sustainable fashion mistakes — and how you can avoid them

Sustainable in Style
3 min readSep 27, 2020


Learn from the mistakes I made when I started supporting sustainable fashion!

Photo by Lauren Fleischmann on Unsplash

When I learned about the horrible impact that the fashion industry has on the environment, I was eager to join the fast fashion movement. But I found it difficult to change my fast fashion shopping behaviour from one day to the other. I made some sustainable fashion mistakes that can easily be avoided. Here I will write them all down for you to judge me ;), but most importantly for you to learn from them!

1. I still wanted to keep up with all the seasonal fashion trends

Shopping for clothing items that belonged to the latest fashion trend was something I loved doing. When I saw a trendy piece that my favourite fashion influencers were wearing, I needed to have it!
All the while not realizing that I would maybe wear it twice. And next year, it would be out of style.

You have to shop for clothing that fit your personal style. Avoid clothing that belongs to the latest fashion trend. This way, you can wear and love your clothes for a long time.

2. I felt like I need to get rid of my fast fashion wardrobe

My closet was full of brands like Stradivarius, Bershka and Zara, which I learned are not treating their workers fairly and do not use eco-friendly materials to create clothes. I felt like I wasn’t supporting the sustainable fashion movement when I kept wearing these fast fashion brands.

I was wrong! The number one way to support slow fashion is to value and take care of the clothes you already own. And when you do want to buy more clothing, buy them from sustainable fashion brands, or better yet from second-hand and vintage stores.

3. I felt like I was failing at being sustainable in fashion

I wanted to support the sustainable fashion movement and do it perfectly, which was overwhelming. When I found the perfect dress on a second-hand clothing website, I also realized that it would have to be shipped to me and I couldn’t make sure the packaging would be sustainable.

It is okay to choose your battles. Focus on the ways you can be sustainable. As Anne-Marie Bonneau said: “we don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.

Photo by Sustainable in Style

I hope these learnings were helpful for you! If you would like more inspiration on how to start your sustainable fashion journey, then check out my Pinterest page or read my last article on sustainable fashion apps that will help you shop ethically and consciously.



Sustainable in Style

Achievable first steps to slow fashion — sustainable fashion for beginners.